Dual boot Arch openSUSE -- bootloader goes astray

A related question (sorry for hijacking)

I just installed a small partition (10gb) with Arch (via Chakra). This partition contains its own /home and /boot (at the “right end” of the disk if this matters at all)

The stupid thing is that I want to use the /boot directory on the OpenSuse partition but no matter how I re-install GRUB (MBR, disk etc) it always gets the GRUB configuration from the Arch partition (and it always runs the Arch version of GRUB and not the newly re-installer OpenSuse version of GRUB).

If there is a smart way to do this I would be very happy. I am afraid that the GRUB entries for OpenSuse will turn invalid at next kernel update… (although I can ofcourse always copy the text from OpenSuse/boot to the Arch/boot)

It has to do with what code is in the MBR and where the boot process goes after it leaves the MBR. I’m pretty hazy on that procedure, but can you post the return you get from this console command so I can have a think about it:

sudo /sbin/fdisk -l

Plus tell me what is on each partition that fdisk lists.

[PS I’ve moved the post tio its own thread or things would be very confused in the other thread.]


Apparently repairing the MBR (and going for the second tab and choose MBR rather than “disk”) in Yast worked, whereas “repairing GRUB” via the boot DVD did not work.

The reply in the previous thread actually solved it for me :slight_smile:

You guys are great :smiley: