Dropbox doesn't start after download his deamon because a Nvidia lib

Hi, I have just found, after 3 days, that
Dropbox try to load a DRI lib
that don’t work with NVidia proprietary driver.

I hope that this solution can give more visibility now for many people needs that.
Simple solution is to rename lol!

The problem is hide near some layer of software and no logs can help and also delete config dirs or change version can’t help.

Just readed here:
DRI error with SIGSEGV
and “Fatal Python error” with Segmentation signal
when Dropbox try to load “swrast_dri.so”

The problem seem to relay into KDE5 with NVIDIA drivers.

PS: Please share the problem / workaround on Dropbox site because I try to write there but seem that I have to less power to do this.

The day after Dropbox restart to not start!

In many forum people say about swrast_dri.so because in debug is the last line before Dropbox crash.
But the real problem is a step before in

You can delete / rename that file
or create a link to the correct file in the system as
→ /usr/X11R6/lib64/libGL.so.1

But you have to redo every time dropbox updates itself. (without advertise)>:(

Today I realize that this dropbox directory was changed in

I suspect that one possible “definitive” solution is to
change the autostart of Dropbox
from the standard that autoupdates
to simply start deamon in current version: “dropboxd”:wink:

Thank you very much for your insight. In my case, after a whole afternoon lost checking what was going on, I came up with your post.