Driver Problems

Hey, I can’t seem to get my brightness or wireless drivers to work properly. I have a MacBook Pro 7.1 with a 64 bit processor and I’m using openSUSE 11.4 KDE Version. I’m very new to openSUSE btw.

Welcome coolbeans777. I’m not familiar with Mac hardware, but execute this command to get wireless chipset info:

/sbin/lspci -nnk

Just post the entry pertaining to your wireless hardware.

Its also worth reading the stickies at the top of this forum:


If the problem is not the driver, but configuration and/or controlling with networkmanager, post again with more info about what you’ve tried so far. :slight_smile:

There is a package called pommed for handling hotkeys inc screen brightness. YMMV, but it can be downloaded from the OSS repo.

Ref man pommed for more info.

Others may have more experience with this. Google is your friend. :slight_smile:

This may also depend on the graphics driver in use, so post more details about your graphics hardware if necessary.

This thread may (or may not) be helpful: