Hi Folks
I have installed an additional 250GB hard drive. I have a 250GB dual boot drive for SUSE 11 and XP. Both are sata drives
I downloaded a driver from WDC for my new HD and installed it. I can now see my drive using windows explorer etc.
On booting up SUSE i realized I need a driver here too, could someone please explain to a newbie how i go about this?
Thanks in anticipation
you don’t need a driver under linux. go to YaST - System - partitioner. it should be recognized & all you need to do is set the mount point
Thx for your reply,in Yast/ partioner I see my new HHD as /dev/sdb1 232.8GB HPFS/NTFS with no mount details shown, highlightoing it and going to edit it gives me an option of a mount point.
So where do I mount it if I want to see it with the external drive and my home folder in Nautilus?
Thanks in anticipation
Wherever you want. For instance, make a folder /data and mount it over there.
Hi Folks
Thanks for your assistance, thus far.I now have it mounted
My next problem is that the HDD is read only, when I look at the properties of the drive the permissions shows it is owned by the root.
I need read write access, I assume this is handled by the partitioner and Arbitary option value, which is currently
tried fmask at 177 and dmask at 077 got an system error -3309
Assistance would be appreciated
users,gid=users,fmask=133,dmask=022,locale=en_GB.U TF-8
change and try this:
use super user file amnager
go /etc/fstab
make a copy and save it soemwhere
find the line of your HD in ? and edit
users,gid=users,umask=0002,utf8=true 0 0
you didn’t say where you mounted it to??
Is the folder in your tree??
You could choose /media
as it should already exist
or create the folder in the tree of whatevr name you chose as mount point
usualy you would have to change the permissions (man chmod) or ownership (man chown) of the folder representing this filesystem but this could be outdated knowledge.
Thanks for your response, I cannot get access to the file
and if I try the other permission denied
graham@linux-adyl:~> amnager
bash: amnager: command not found
graham@linux-adyl:~> su
linux-adyl:/home/graham # amnager
bash: amnager: command not found
linux-adyl:/home/graham #
graham@linux-adyl:~> /etc/fstab
bash: /etc/fstab: Permission denied
graham@linux-adyl:~> su
linux-adyl:/home/graham # /etc/fstab
bash: /etc/fstab: Permission denied
linux-adyl:/home/graham #
Cannot this problem be overcome using the partition GUI?
HDD mounted home/graham
I guess home/graham is the home drive of the user graham.
Although possible I would not really opt for that.
I would make this new disk my dedicated home drive for all users, hence /home or a specific data disk mounted on /data or /media/data as suggested earlier.
Every linux user will one day have to learn everything about vi, less, df, du etc etc. vi for instance is a commandline editor to edit files like /etc/fstab etc. a more complete list of commands can be found at Linux bash commands - MAN Pages
But for now that’s not necessary.
Start by posting the result of the command
and the command
ls -las /home
we’ll take it from there.
Hi Resturp72
Thanks for the response. Things have moved on a bit since my last post. I now have read write access to the new drive, although I don’t really know how I achieved that.
The current fstab vale for the new hard drive is users,gid=users,umask=0002,utf8=true. In case this is not satisfactory here is the info you requested
graham@linux-adyl:~> df
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda6 20641788 3974976 15618172 21% /
udev 1557084 132 1556952 1% /dev
/dev/sda7 71964220 52972968 15335664 78% /home
/dev/sda1 144483020 79503240 64979780 56% /windows/C
/dev/sdb1 244196000 57954988 186241012 24% /home/graham/CommonHardDrive
gvfs-fuse-daemon 20641788 3974976 15618172 21% /home/graham/.gvfs
/dev/sdc1 244196000 79874796 164321204 33% /media/WD USB 2
graham@linux-adyl:~> ls -las /home
total 28
4 drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 2008-06-06 21:23 .
4 drwxr-xr-x 21 root root 4096 2008-08-03 06:31 …
4 drwxr-xr-x 40 graham users 4096 2008-08-03 06:37 graham
16 drwx------ 2 root root 16384 2008-06-22 19:25 lost+found
Some info so that u can see what I am trying to acheive-
My hard drive is 250GB and my new HD is also 250 GB
I have XP and SUSE 11 on hard drive 1
I intend using the new HD for Data storage only from both systems
and eventually to fully migrate to SUSE.
I have a USB HD of 250 GB which is used for backup
Thanks for you interest and assistance
Well congrats on the achievements so far. If you want to take a next step in moving from Windows to openSUSE try running Windows as a guest OS in virtualbox.
Greetings, Resturp
Thanks for your interest and assistance
The HHD was working for a while with this entry in the fstab in yast/partinitioner users,gid=users,umask=0002,utf8=true
I copied my data up to the HD. However initially all was well and I worked and entered some new date and saved files etc. Then on second occasion could not save file to the folder as it was root and I had no permission.
graham@linux-adyl:~> df
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda6 20641788 3976380 15616768 21% /
udev 1557084 172 1556912 1% /dev
/dev/sda7 71964220 52985564 15323068 78% /home
/dev/sda1 144483020 79508900 64974120 56% /windows/C
/dev/sdb1 244196000 58983728 185212272 25% /home/graham/CommonHardDrive
gvfs-fuse-daemon 20641788 3976380 15616768 21% /home/graham/.gvfs
graham@linux-adyl:~> ls -las /home
total 28
4 drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 2008-06-06 21:23 .
4 drwxr-xr-x 21 root root 4096 2008-08-03 17:18 …
4 drwxr-xr-x 38 graham users 4096 2008-08-03 19:12 graham
16 drwx------ 2 root root 16384 2008-06-22 19:25 lost+found
I went to home and applied access permissions under properties for the folders to enclosed files
didnt work??
sorry it’s mounted on /home/graham/CommonHardDrive so I would need a
ls -als /home/graham
This would show the ownership and permissions on your HD.