If I start totem with a DVD in the drive, OR if I insert a DVD with autoplay turned on, totem crashes instantly with:
libdvdnav: Using dvdnav version 5.0.3
libdvdnav: DVD Title: BEST_IN_SHOW
libdvdnav: DVD Serial Number: 2AF0A100
libdvdnav: DVD Title (Alternative): BEST_IN_SHOW
libdvdnav: DVD disk reports itself with Region mask 0x00fe0000. Regions: 1
libdvdread: Attempting to retrieve all CSS keys
libdvdread: This can take a long time, please be patient
libdvdread: Get key for /VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_0.VOB at 0x000003ed
libdvdread: Elapsed time 1
libdvdread: Get key for /VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_1.VOB at 0x00000ba7
libdvdread: Elapsed time 1
libdvdread: Get key for /VIDEO_TS/VTS_02_1.VOB at 0x0022466a
libdvdread: Elapsed time 0
libdvdread: Found 2 VTS’s
libdvdread: Elapsed time 2
libva info: VA-API version 0.39.0
libva info: va_getDriverName() returns 0
libva info: Trying to open /usr/lib64/dri/r600_drv_video.so
libva info: Found init function __vaDriverInit_0_39
libva info: va_openDriver() returns 0
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
dragon also coredumps.
I’ve tried this with multiple DVDs with the same result.
Prior to adding the Packman repository, DVDs didnt’ work in VLC either (but no core dump). Now VLC works fine, but the other apps crash instantly
Any suggestions for how to resolve this are welcome :-))
Hi and welcome to the forums!
I can confirm that Totem is not the best choice to play DVDs on Leap 42.2 at the moment: some discs won’t load or won’t play for reasons that are not immediately apparent, while others play fine (after having switched all the codecs to packman…).
That said, maybe you have a video problem or a video acceleration (vaapi) problem.
Try uninstalling gstreamer-plugins-vaapi and/or possibly other vaapi packages related to your video card: you will lose video acceleration but that should not be a problem when playing DVDs on a modern CPU.
If that doesn’t work, why not sticking with VLC, given that apparently it likes your setup?
not sure if it’s related but opensuse-guide.org provides an older version of libdvdcss which has a few bugs in it, try using the latest from the developers (packman doesn’t host it and I don’t recommend adding the whole repo for 1 package)
try updating libdvdcss2 to 1.4.0
zypper in -f ftp://download.videolan.org/pub/SuSE/Leap_42.2/x86_64/libdvdcss2-1.4.0-1.2.x86_64.rpm
I would second OrsoBruno’s suggestion though, try to uninstall gstreamer-plugins-vaapi.
And also libvdpau_va_gl1 if it is installed, this has caused problems for quite a few users in the past (though with vlc mostly).