All Tumbleweed (mirrors) so far downloaded via Windows 7 Free Download Manager seem to stall up at 99%, UGet did the same (& torrents seem rare as the proverbial rocking horse!) Lots of unknown network error in logs before finally cancelling.
Looks like I’ll have to download 13.2 & strip out the repos?
You have not said what you are downloading.
As a check, I’m now trying to download the 64-bit DVD iso. I’m using “aria2c”. Looks fine, but I am not near the 99% mark.
Assuming you had problems with the DVD, try the NET installer. If you use the 13.2 DVD and change repos, you will finish up downloading all packages from the repos anyway. Using the NET installer is a cleaner way of doing just that.
I’ll comment back when my download finishes or hangs.
Is it possible that you are attempting to download the DVD iso to a FAT file system? If you are, then I would expect that to run into problems at the point that it exceeds the max file size for FAT. And that would be somewhere near the 99% mark.
I am talking about the x86 64 DVD yes, net install downloaded no probs, just trying KDE-Live image. The file system is NTFS.
Apparently server does not support download resuming?
Download completed successfully with “aria2c”. And sha256 checksum verified.
I haven’t used it, but I understand that the firefox “Down them all” extension uses the same procedure as “aria2c”.
On 2015-07-14 14:46, nrickert wrote:
> I haven’t used it, but I understand that the firefox “Down them all”
> extension uses the same procedure as “aria2c”.
Yes, I used it, in Windows, although not recently. I would recommend it.
Cheers / Saludos,
Carlos E. R.
(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” (Minas Tirith))
Windows & Linux are just soooo… incompatible! DownThemAll! did indeed work where others failed. Although I now think my ISP hates me & has throttled any life outa my already despairingly slow connection. Let’s hope they lay fibre to the cabinet.