I updated the opensuse from leap 15.1 to leap 15.2. It turns out that the update is not working. When trying to update, the system displays the message: 'Download (curl) error for ‘http://download.opensuse.org/update/leap/15.2/non-oss/repodata/repomd.xml’: Error code: Connection failed. Error message: Could not resolve proxy: HTTP_PROXY.'
It is happening with all repositories. Can someone help me?
I suppose the first question that has to be asked is whether your network is configured with a web proxy…
Do you know what that is? Typically a web proxy has a different network address and a port number like 8080 instead of the standard 80 and 443.
A web proxy can be for the entire LAN or installed locally on your machine for personal use.
Other things a person can look for is whether you’re running any kind of anti-virus or anti-spam anywhere, or any kind of web content or mail filtering services.
Not sure why this is happening for you currently, but perhaps mirrorbrain is redirecting you to a broken mirror server. This usually works as expected, and should be fixed in time (so Knurpht’s comments make sense), but you might like to work around this manually for now…
Based on your post that specifically identifies an HTTP_PROXY error,
Re-read my first post in this thread…
Although a web proxy is often easily recognizable, I also listed several common services that can use a web proxy type configuration without explicitly telling you that’s how their service works.
Are any other Internet applications affected?
Any web browsers you’ve used?
Any VPNs?
Since Leap 15.0, I’ve been doing updates until I get to Leap 15.2. With this problem, I decided to do a new installation of opensuse.
After installation, curl is working fine now.