Running openSUSE 12.3
Switching back to KDE after using Gnome since SuSE 10.1
I do a lot of video/audio processing using shell scripts that I constantly edit and then run.
In Nautilus there is an option to have it ask me whether I want to Display, Run in Terminal or Run an executable text file.
I cannot find an option like that in Dolphin.
Does that option exist in Dolphin?
If so, where can I find it?
On 03/26/2013 05:16 PM, frickc wrote:
> Does that option exist in Dolphin?
> If so, where can I find it?
i don’t know how to do what you ask in Dolphin…but, if installed
along with the ‘basic’ gnome packages, it is very possible to run
Nautilus in KDE, so . . .
try it:
-hold down left Alt
-momentarily press F2
-in the resulting blank (top center) type nautilus
-press enter
I have both KDE and Gnome installed.
I have been switching back and forth trying to find a setup that I like and fits my needs.
I just tried Nautilus under KDE. Yes it’s weird, but it behaves more the way I prefer under KDE than under Gnome.
However, I’m strongly leaning towards KDE. I really find Nautilus under Gnome to be a frustrating and cumbersome file manager.
I have figured out how to get the Jacksum scripts integrated into Dolphin under KDE4.
If I can create a service menu to mimic this “Run in Terminal” Nautilus feature in Dolphin, then I would be happy.
I used KDE with SuSE 9.2 and 9.3.
I switched to Gnome for 10.1 and really liked its looks and features.
I think that Gnome under 11.4 was really my favourite, by far.
Gnome under 12.1 was a bit frustrating until I customized it.
The new Nautilus just kills Gnome for me.
Too bad, because I generally prefer the appearance of Gnome over KDE.