After reading this post, I needed to install kf6-kio-devel also.
Does anyone know why this has to be installed and will it need to be removed at a later date.
Hmm. “could not get into my root files” … it’s unclear what that means.
And not sure where details were “noted”.
What are “root files”? Are they the files and sub-directories dedicated for the root user account that are located in the /root sub-directory tree?
We’ve always had success “opening Dolphin in SU mode” for years using openSUSE TW and Leap.
There are zero details about “how I am trying to access my root files” or launching Dolphin is being performed. The more details, the better. Most folks are not sitting there watching Appreciate the post, though
Wild guess … there is some other underlying issue.
The issue is clearly described in this thread and the linked thread. Congratulations that you don’t have any issue on your existing systems. This topic is about a missing dependency on fresh installations for Dolphin-Super user mode (Plasma users know how to open Dolphin-Super user mode via application starter).
The issue is easily reproducible. Install Tumbleweed Plasma from an actual Snapshot ISO.
The launch of Dolphin Super user mode fails. The terminal throws following output (command from application starter):
test@testbox:~> dbus-launch dolphin -qwindowtitle %c %u
Failed to execute message bus daemon /usr/bin/dbus-daemon: No such file or directory. Will try again without full path.
Failed to execute message bus daemon: No such file or directory
EOF in dbus-launch reading address from bus daemon
kf6-kio-devel is a red herring. If you install it, it pulls a lot of deps and afterwards you can start Dolphin-super user mode. If you remove kf6-kio-devel, Dolphin -super user mode still starts. The real missing dependency is dbus-1-daemon.
dbus-1-daemon gets pulled in when you install kf6-kio-devel, so it seemed at first view that you need kf6-kio-devel, which is not the case.
My SR for the Dolphin desktop file got accepted in the devel project. That means it will show up in factory and later in the snapshots. Will take some hours/days.
I read this post the other day and mine was working.
After updates it’s broken again.
I had to edit the file org.kde.dolphinsu.desktop in /usr/share/applications/
This file had a date of 12-19-2024 so it was recent.
I changed:
Exec=/usr/bin/xdg-su -c dolphin
Exec=dbus-launch dolphin -qwindowtitle "%c" "%u"
Before the fix, after entering the password it was showing an error of “unexpected argument /location/of/the/folder/” where it was supposed to open.
The reason for that was already explained. You have dbus-1-daemon installed on your system, which is not the case for freshly installed system.
This seems like a sign that you have already broken some of your settings and file paths. /usr/bin/xdg-su -c dolphin opens Dolphin in the root home directory at first start. As the standard setting of Dolphin is, to open within the last used directory, you seem to have some broken paths. “If” you feel the urgent need to use Dolphin as root, you should adapt the setting to always open at the root home directory.
You can’t set a normal user to open dolphin in the root folder.
Opening dolphin as root and looking at where it’s supposed to open is the “/root” folder. You can’t set it to simply “/”.
The context menu passes the path to the xdg-su command and the error comes from the xdg-su script.
Running “/usr/bin/xdg-su -c dolphin” works but if you put anything after dolphin it fails with “xdg-su: unexpected argument”.
Nobody said that. Nobody wants that. Thats why two different desktop files for Dolphin exist. One for the user (org.kde.dolphin.desktop), one for root (org.kde.dolphinsu.desktop).
You can. Use the Dolphin setting menu. It is the first page when you open the settings.
You don’t pass anything behind this command. The original, untinkered and pristine shipped file in /usr/share/applications/org.kde.dolphinsu.desktop from openSUSE opens just fine. If you want to open the superuser mode Dolphin with a defined directory, use the Dolphin setting menu.
This is what I’m telling you. I haven’t tinkered with anything and the when I right click and select dolphin super user, this is the popup I get.
It shows the path right there, already added.
I have no option to add quotes or remove the path.
Open dolphin as super user has always opened at the current folder. I don’t know where it gets that path but it adds it.
That command will not work with double quotes, you must use single quotes. But I already knew that. The problem is that the context menu adds the path which does not work with xdg-su. kdesu works fine. It adds the path and dolphin all in quotes.
If yours works, I don’t know how when xdg-su will not accept a path that isn’t in quotes. I tied it by forcing dolphin to open in “/” and it chokes on that too because the / is not in quotes with dolphin.
I do not think this is specific to my system. We’ll find out as others run into this problem.
Whatever you are doing on your system, i can assure you that this works for years on several Tumbleweed and Leap systems (and also other distributions)…
I think we are. And to me it seems to be a misunderstanding of the KDE dialogue. Here, on Leap 15.5 I get:
with hui’s command which is actually working,
with the same using kdesu
using right click in dolphin.
Just have a look at the different “quotes”. I’d say the dialogue is just for information and not pasting the exact command (equal to) used in the terminal.