Dolphin doesn't start in Super User Mode

I upgraded from 13.2 to Tumbleweed. Since the upgrade, I can no longer run Dolphin (and possibly other applications) in superuser mode from my normal user account. What I’m noticing so far is:

  • If I open the Kickoff launcher and select “File Manager - Super User Mode”: I am asked for root’s password, but once I input it and click OK the dialog disappears and nothing happens any more.

  • If I open a terminal and do “sudo dolphin” I get the following output:

mircea@linux-qz0r:~> sudo dolphin
root's password:
QXcbConnection: Could not connect to display 

  • If I open a terminal and do “su” then “dolphin” I get the following output:
mircea@linux-qz0r:~> su
linux-qz0r:/home/mircea # dolphin
"Session bus not found
To circumvent this problem try the following command (with Linux and bash)
export $(dbus-launch)"
linux-qz0r:/home/mircea # 

  • Doing as instructed and exporting the dbus-launch variable allows superuser Dolphin to start, but I don’t think this requirement is normal.

I fixed that two days ago (for Tumbleweed and Leap).


And no, you cannot use sudo to run KDE (or any other GUI) applications in openSUSE. That’s by design.
And su is no good idea either.

If at all, use kdesu, gnomesu, or xdg-su. “su -” is ok too, and actually used as fallback by xdg-su.

Thanks for the info, I will wait for the fix to reach the repository then. And that’s good to know… I remember kdesu now, it makes sense that it uses that.

Well, you can apply the fix manually too as mentioned in the bugreport:
Just edit /usr/share/applications/dolphinsu.desktop (as root) and replace “-caption” with “-qwindowtitle” in the Exec= line.

Updates will overwrite that, but the next update will include the fix anyway… :wink:

using “su” will end up with a error

you need to use " su -l root" or the shortcut " su - "

I would bypass that and settle for the kdesu code (for KDE)

some of us do not use “sudo” on a SINGLE user system

on multi user systems it had a purpose

And some of us do.
I, for example.

on multi user systems it had a purpose

It also has a purpose on single user systems.

But it cannot be used for running GUI applications.