Does Dependency Hell Still Exist?

I am not trying to bring up anything like flames or anything but, I am
just wondering if this dependency hell thing have been solved or not.
I’ve looked at this distro comparison site and it said that YaST does
get the dependencies of the supported softwares but, it does not get the
dependencies from the unsupported softwares. Is this true?

Not sure if this is relevant but, when I try to install stuff in
Opensuse like playonlinux or Eclipse for php, nothing happens when I
tried to run the software. Is this what they call dependency hell or


gtx75’s Profile:
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gtx75 wrote:
> I am not trying to bring up anything like flames or anything but, I am
> just wondering if this dependency hell thing have been solved or not.
> I’ve looked at this distro comparison site and it said that YaST does
> get the dependencies of the supported softwares but, it does not get the
> dependencies from the unsupported softwares. Is this true?

Depends. “Dependency Hell” hasn’t existed in the rpm sense of the
word for a VERY VERY VERY VERY long time in openSUSE … yes… even
in SUSE… yeah verily… even in SuSE.

> Not sure if this is relevant but, when I try to install stuff in
> Opensuse like playonlinux or Eclipse for php, nothing happens when I
> tried to run the software. Is this what they call dependency hell or
> something?

“Dependency Hell” ALWAYS has the potential to exist because the
variables are too many. In fact, Debian, which many CLAIM (falsely)
does not suffer from DH, really does when things happen that
the package creator never planned for (which is actually quite

With regards to your particular example… I do not know. I just
know that it is IMPOSSIBLE to prevent “dependency hell”… no
matter what some ideologues claim.

‘dependency hell’ is when you want to install programme A and you get a
error message to say that programme A needs a programme B to be
installed first. So you try to install programme B and get an error
message to say that Programme B needs a programme C to be installed
first etc


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So now what I don’t get is, how come programs don’t run at all when you
try to run them when you install it. For some reason, it just doesn’t
respond at all or nothing happens.

Programs like playonlinux and Eclipse seemed to not even run at all
when I tried to execute them.


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Although I’ve no idea what playonlinux is… Eclipse does work.
On 11.1 might run into the problem of it not running very well and
crashing quite often / not being able to install plugins.
This is however solved for some by changing the java version from
what’s installed to the sun 1.6 one.
Didn’t quite fix it for me, but with the 1.7 preview it does work fine
(just when working in java I after like ~4 hours I sometimes run into
some annoying null pointer error and I’ve to restart eclipse to fix it).

Don’t know which PHP plugin in you’re using, but the Studio Aptana one
works fine for me.

Try starting eclipse and playonlinux via the console and they might
provide you with some more info on what’s going on while they’re trying
to start.

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Yea, thanks guys. The Eclipse did work after changing to a different
Java but, playonlinux still wouldn’t run for some reason, anyone know

playonlinux a program that helps you install windows games on linux and
it works with wine to make it work. its really useful but, maybe a few
more contributors for it would be nice.


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Associating wine with .exe’s files isn’t easy enough?
Right-click, open with, type in wine, mark ‘Remember my choice’ and

You could try typing in ‘playonlinux’ in a console with any parameters
it might require. Should provide you with some valuable error messages
if it doesn’t start properly.

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I won’t be able to describe playonlinux to you that well because it
might give you the wrong idea so the only thing I can ask you to do
there is google it. playonlinux has a special role in making games work
and managing them.

The odd thing is, I did try to run it in console but bizarrely. nothing


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What about those plugins listed just below the Dl’ds?
You’ll need to install them yourself, Yast will not do those for you.
In such a case use a separate thread on how to install from tarballs.

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Oh thanks, I didn’t know that. I thought those were actually optional.


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