Hello, could someone tell me how to get a dock for opensuse, I think I will use KDE, if that makes a difference.
if you open yast and go to software manager do a search for dock and you will see alot of different ones that work well with opensuse. I have used cairo dock in the past and prefer it to avant.
Thank you for your reply.
If you use KDE you can use fancy tasks or daisy. If you use Gnome you can choose between Gnome Do, Avant and etc. but the others are not that good. Cairo dock can be used on both Desktop env. but it has some problems when it’s used in KDE.
Okay, thank you, Daisy looks nice,
I have tried Cairo recently but had some problems (I use Gnome on OpenSuse 11.2) like the bookmarks I created in Nautilus couldn’t be accessed as Cairo shortcuts and the browse for files was ok, but when I selected any particular file nothing would happen.
I’m using Gnome Do now, with the Docky theme, which seems ok, but I don’t get the whole idea behind it. For instance, I understand that when I type something, Gnome Do will search anywhere for an object that matches what I’m looking for, right?, but then, when I find such object, the only option I get is to add it to the dock, which is not always what I want to do…
Anywhere I can read something about how to use Gnome Do? Thanks!
This may be a bit more minimalist than you expect, but as I’ve had no end of trouble with docks from Daisy to Cairo to AWN, I’ve learned to be happy with either a Folderview plasmoid arranged like a dock, or another KDE4 panel configured to be centred and auto-hiding. Don’t think I’m missing much bling, and I’m gaining a lot of stability and resources…
I use cairo, and I find it to be good. No problems.