I’ve been trying to move as much of my work from windows to suse and lately i’ve been getting competent in the GIMP (used to using photoshop) and I’m now curious in buying a wacom tablet. Will a wacom tablet
A. work in opensuse linux?
B. work in the gimp?
Also, if yes to both, do you guys recommend any or un-recommend any?
Dear ne0g:
Several years ago I migrated to openSUSE due to the simple configuration procedure using Yast. With Yast was possible to configurate stylus, eraser and cursor and the abolute, tilt and pressure mode for wacom usb tablets (Intuos 2). Gimp works very well with this tablet.
But all that is true up to openSUSE 10.3. For the last version openSUSE 11.0 wacom tablets are not easily configurated, Yast does not configure correctly the tablet as openSUSE 10.3 did.
Now in order to get all features of wacom you need to edit the file xorg.conf. Doing personally that configuration the wacom tablet works fairly well. For more information look at: SuSe 11 Wacom Graphire4 absolute mode - openSUSE Forums
the OP is talking about USB or bluetooth wacom tablets. oldcpu provided links for TabletPCs, a slightly different beast. For USB tablets, see the Wacom USB tablet howto - openSUSE