Hmmmmmm, Works for other computers but not mobiles or sky - Very odd
Too vague. I can only speculate that some devices are configured to use some particular DNS? Brand of phone?
That’s me rather vague - Will update accordingly when this “work” thing lets me have some “me” time.
So here is my DHCP config file
#zone Folly.Office. { primary; key 1; }
include “/etc/named.d/dns_updates”;
include “/etc/named.d/dns_updates”;
ddns-update-style interim;
#ignore client-updates;
ddns-updates on;
subnet netmask {
option domain-name “Folly.Office”;
option domain-name-servers;
option routers;
default-lease-time 36000;
zone Folly.Office. { primary; key “dns_updates”; }
zone { primary; key “dns_updates”; }
So pc’s,laptop,.printer and smart t.v’s all get allocated an ip address but my mobile (cell) phones and satellite (Sky) t.v dont. If I go back to using my router for DHCP everything gets an ip address , so I am guessing that I am either missing an option or have an option included that they dont like.
Did you try restarting the router?
FWIW, a similar thread that may be of value…
You should be looking at the network configurations on your client devices.
Sometimes like on phones, it’s useful to install a special app that will display the necessary info formatted like how you might see the info on a PC.
If you install a general terminal app, then that can often act as your universal app that allows you to run standard *NIX commands, eg on my Android phone I have Termux installed.
If you can’t access the necessary info on your devices, then the next best thing is to look at your Server logs and information, eg your DHCP leases. If your DHCP leases can resolve to hostnames, that can save a lot of effort, else you’ll have to identify the MAC addresses of every client in your network.
It’s possible for devices to also have access to a variety of different networks, so may not be using your networks and network server services… Eg, your devices might be configured with not only your ethernet network (wired? wireless?), carrier network, VPN.
And, generally speaking mobile and embedded devices aren’t any different than PCs when configured as a DHCP client. All will conform to standards and none will discover and communicate with a DHCP server any differently than a PC.
As for DNS, that can be slightly different. DHCP should always be accessed if configured that way before anything else to simply obtain an IP address which is a fundamental requirement for accessing any other machine on the network. DNS can be standalone or it can be interated with your network security, integrated (share information) with DHCP and any Domain Controllers if your network is set up that way.