Hello fellow hoppers! What are your favorite distros, and why?
My top 3 are:
Arch for the AUR.
OpenMandriva for stability, and no politics.
Tumbleweed for YAST, the OBS with OPI, and arguably the greatest linux logo.
What are you hopping around on?
I agree with Arch for the AUR. There is just tons of software available on there.
I used Fedora Rawhide for a little while. I enjoyed it but it started to become unstable.
Then I discovered Tumbleweed, and it feels like a nice little ground. Stable rolling release tied in with a nice GUI for configuration and the Open Build System! And yes, the gecko is one of the best Linux mascots!
I’ve hopped distros multiple times, but have only really stuck to a few. My first distro was Mint, back in 2019. Up until last year, Mint was all I used as it was all I knew I would need. I kept my main computer on Mint and used a second laptop to try out all kinds of stuff. Low-risk tinkering environment plus Ventoy equals lots of distros.
I stuck to Arch on that second laptop for a few months. Great distro, but I personally got tired of the things I had to set up myself. I then found out Tumbleweed is also rolling-release, and has both user-friendly pre-installation and expert options, if desired.
Now, openSUSE is what I use by default, with Debian on a little server.
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Sheesh - I’m gonna have to dig into my soggy memory banks, but I’ll give it a try. (sidenote: I was using Unix type OSes since the early 80s, before Linux distros, so been hopping for many years, maybe when some in here were in diapers
Before Linux.
- FreeBSD, MINIX, SCO, OS/2 (then Warp), AIX.
Linux distros.
- TAMU, Slackware (a favorite), Yggdrasil, Caldera, Red Hat, Mandrake, Xandros, Knoppix, TurboLinux
- S.u.S.E. Linux (yes, way back in the beginning, when they branched from Slackware)
- SuSE Linux version 6.x
- At some point, I was thinking hardcore and used Gentoo for a while.
- Eventually, arrived back with openSUSE 10.x, 11, 12 (skipped 13 because it’s a bad luck number) … then on to Leap, TW, and now back on Leap.
There … 40+ years of hopping 
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I still have a folder containing every iso I have downloaded and tried out. Multiple ubuntu flavors, multiple fedora spins, mint/lmde, debian, pop, kali, tails, arch, garuda, endeavour, manjaro, cachy, tumbleweed, openmandriva, mageia, rhino, slackware, nixos, zorin, vanilla, freebsd, ghostbsd, regata, gecko, and probably some others.
I still use an old HP workstation for trying out different distros on actual hardware. I run Arch on my gaming pc, tumbleweed on my home server, and openmandriva on my laptop.