Hi Everyone
I am new to opensuse, I just installed opensuse 11.4 on my desktop, I am able to dualboot windows7 and opensuse, initial bootup screen looks fine; after opensuse startsup, screen changes to green with inverted colors, it appears to me that there is someproblem with display drivers.
my pc has intel dualcore processor, with intel g35 chipset builtin graphics card.
Your help is appreciated
I don’t have the answer to this, but maybe the display connection is relevant here. How is your display connected? (HDMI, DVI, VGA) Can you change to another tyoe for diagnostic purposes?
That did the magic, thanks very much!!! I was using hdmi cable, switched to vga and the problem is gone…
I’m pleased that changing to a VGA cable worked for you, and that you’re happy to use the analogue VGA connection. However, digital HDMI connectivity should provide the best image quality for a given display device, so you should file a bug report for this (or at least search for existing bugs):
Good work. That’s how these things get fixed