Display configurtion


I am trying to install -physical installation- openSUSE 13.1 on Dell XPS M1210, but it seems there is incompatibility with Display, where the Dialogues, Windows, etc are not showing correctly

Although, multiple Fedora versions up to 20, has worked fine, but openSUSE13.1 is not.

Note: NVidia hardware is used

So, any workarounds?

Thanking you


Did not give much to go on. Did you try the NVIDIA driver?

It also would help to know if a laptop/desktop and the NVIDIA chip and if it is a optimus


Resolved, with following steps:

1- Boot to failsafe from main log in screen

su -c 'cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.install /etc/X11/xorg.conf'


su -c 'shutdown -r now'

4- Boot normally

Note: Partial steps taken from the url:

Also, you can download the NVIDIA Drivers from the official openSUSE site



ok not a great idea to use the xorg.conf.install file as the normal xorg.conf. it uses inferior drivers even if you install the NVIDIA driver it does not climatically change the xorg.conf. You will be using what ever driver that is in that xorg.conf file which may not be the NVIDIA driver