Discover intergration

I’m finding Discover integration with Tumbleweed to be, shall we say, rather spotty. For instance: why was I able to find Tuxguitar in the repos using Yast, but the only package Discover could find was the Flatpak?

I’ve been using Discover for most of my software management for awhile now on other distros, and am finding this rather disconcerting. Any insight?

Probably because the Tuxguitar package isn’t providing any appstream data, which means discover mostly can’t see it.

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Why would certain apps have this issue, and is there a fix?

Upstream developers providing appstream data in their sources?

Note that the only proper way to update TW is to zypper dup

Installing a random package via other means is OK but updates MUST be zypper dup from command line only or you are bound to run into problems at some time


Discover will upgrade Tumbleweed just fine.

It’s just a frontend to PackageKit. The thing it can’t do, is resolve conflicts. Which if you’re not adding repositories other than OSS and Non-OSS, rarely, if ever happen.

If you’re in a position that you feel you need packman, or other third-party repositories, then yes, Discover can, and will fail to upgrade from time to time, and will require manual intervention, via zypper dup

Sorry I don’t believe that Distribution update is different then plain old update. I see nothing in discover that allows the control of the difference

Yast and zypper are SUSE products which I do trust.

That right there (“…will fail…”) proves the preferred method is ‘zypper dup’.

Also, in an official online openSUSE doc (read paragraph four):

“For openSUSE Tumbleweed, zypper dup is the only recommended way to update the system.”
and check here:

It proves nothing.

But I’ve got no particular need to engage in this argument.

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