disable promiscous mode in suse 10

Hi guys

i need to disable promiscous mode in suse 10
i use the command ifconfig eth0 -promisc , but after reboot this value is not taking affect , is there any configuration file i need to modify…?

Quick answer: in /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-eth0. But I can not tell you what the parameter name is. Take a look at /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg.template as a start for reading.

in /etc/sysconfig/network/ i have the file “ifcfg-rth-id-00:0f:fe:24:03:ab”
in this file i need to add the entry …?

but in the “ifcfg.template” am not able to find any6 information related to promiscous mode

Sorry, I can now take some more time for this.

When 00:0f:fe:24:03:ab is the MAC-address of your NIC then it obviously takes this one.

I did some reading through the man pages of ifup and ifcfg. Like you, I can not find any reference of promiscue. In ifconfig it is of course mentioned. It seems that the ifup script and config files (which are a wrapper around ifconfig, etc) do not provide for this.

I suggest that you try to put your

ifconfig eth0 -promisc

in a script in /etc/init.d. Use /etc/init.d/skeleton as a starter. Read the documentation in it. Do not forget to use the “comment lines” between


because this is used by e.g. YaST and the rrc… scripts to activate it.
Only the “start” case must be filled in with your ifconfig.

When the script is OK, it can be made active with YaST > ystem > System services (runlevel).

Hope this helps.


but i did it in a different way , i put the code ifconfig eth0 -promisc in the file ifcfg-rth-id-00:0f:fe:24:03:ab it self , it is working

Congrats with your solution, better then mine.