Ok, now that our usual supplier of film for the camera no longer carries it we need to move to a digital camera.
We are looking at an SLR either from Canon or Nikon.
Our current camera is a Canon Rebel and we have one good telescoping lens for it, so a digital Canon has a +1 for it.
When we get a camera (any camera) we need to be able to plug it into Linux to import/manage the pictures. That’s where the questions come in:
Is there an advantage of one over the other in compatibility?
Prefer Out-of-the-box compatibility significantly because my wife is not technologically orientated and easily frustrated with it. 1. If we are shooting RAW (I think that’s the best picture mode), what application integrates well
with a mangement system such as Picasa, F-Spot or digiKam? 1. Do I need specific RAW drivers
(I think RAW is different per camera) and how available/good/open are they? 1. Any other items of note regarding any camera
(good or bad) concerning integrating a camera with Ubuntu linux?
Since it may be a factor, I am looking at the Nikon D60 or Canon EOS D40 though I don’t know if the D40 will handle our lens.
I’d rather be armed before going into the camera shop we are going to look at. I seem to come across more people being outspoken for the Nikon than the Canon but that could just be running across more Nikon people than Canon.
Some of the features we’re looking at is:
- Quick picture taking (push-button-picture-taken)
- Picture quality (of course)
- Color accuracy
- Low-light handling
Things like doing video or fancy effects are not necessary. Want good, quality pictures and if we want to modify them then we can use the computer (any suggested apps? Gimp or CinePaint?).
Thank you so much for your input!