Diagnosing issues with NFSv4 - help requested

I am running TW on this machine and have three NFS mounts up and running. The mount points are shown in my ~/directory tree and can be identified by the subdirectory name as follows:-

alastair@HP-Z640-1:~> ls -l
total 77
-rw-r--r--  1 alastair alastair 68680 May 21 10:03 apcupsd-gui-3.14.14-49.17.x86_64.rpm
-rw-r--r--  1 alastair alastair   184 Jul 25 20:33 api_keys.json
drwxr-xr-x  1 alastair alastair  1520 Sep 21 21:21 applications
drwxr-xr-x  1 alastair alastair   284 May 14 09:17 Archives
drwxr-xr-x  1 alastair alastair    80 Mar 19  2024 bin
drwxr-xr-x  1 alastair alastair  1024 Jun 28 12:18 Business_Documents
drwxr-xr-x  1 root     root         0 Jul 27 22:30 CLAMAV_db
drwxr-xr-x  1 alastair alastair   654 Jun  2 12:35 Computing_Documents
drwxr-xr-x  1 alastair alastair   134 Sep 24 11:36 Desktop
drwxr-xr-x  1 alastair alastair  2200 Sep 21 13:53 Downloads
drwxr-xr-x  1 alastair alastair    22 Sep 19 22:56 Music
drwxr-xr-x  1 alastair users     1342 Sep 24 09:26 NFS_from_ibmserv_134_alastair
drwxr-xr-x  6 alastair users       86 May 15  2023 NFS_from_ibmserv_134_Mastermedia
drwxr-xr-x  1 alastair alastair   968 Sep 23 21:36 NFS_from_ibmserv_135_alastair
drwxr-xr-x 53 alastair alastair  4096 Sep 11 11:31 pCloudDrive
drwxr-xr-x  1 alastair alastair  7674 Sep 23 22:04 Pictures
drwxr-xr-x  1 alastair alastair   518 Sep 13 16:46 Private_Documents
drwxr-xr-x  1 alastair alastair 17572 Jan 18  2024 Scanned_Documents
drwxr-xr-x  1 alastair alastair    20 Apr 18 19:22 tmp
drwxr-xr-x  1 alastair alastair   270 Jun  2 15:01 Videos
drwxr-xr-x  1 alastair alastair   596 Jun  2 12:12 Working
-rw-r--r--  1 alastair alastair   113 Sep 18 18:15 YouTube_API.txt

Two of these shares are from NFS exports from 134 and one from 135. These are the ip addresses of two Leap 15.6 machines. All the exports have been created using Yast2 and all have NFSv4 enabled.

I have mounted these client subdirectories using Yast2 and all three are shown but whereas the Options134 are defaults, the share on 135 is shown with a warning NFSv4.2 (Please Check) and the Options :-


If I start to edit this mount I get another warning:-

This entry uses old ways of specifying the NFS protocol version that
do not longer work as they used to do it (like the usage of 'nfs4' as
file system type or the usage of 'minorversion' in the mount options).

Editing the entry will change how the version is specified, with no
possibility to use old outdated method again.

Please could somebody elucidate.

A further issue concerns the Leap 15.6 machine. This has two NFS servers set up, the one seen and working in this thread but also another export from the machine 135 to the client 134. I cannot get this to work but that problem may not be related. I am just providing initial info just in case the issues are related.

Please provide information.

From all servers

cat /etc/exports

from all clients

grep nfs /etc/fstab

Hi Henk,

Here are the results from ibmserv2 (…134):-

alastair@ibmserv2:~> cat /etc/exports
alastair@ibmserv2:~> grep nfs /etc/fstab

And similarly from ibmserv3 (135):-

alastair@ibmserv3:~> cat /etc/exports
alastair@ibmserv3:~> grep nfs /etc/fstab

I see that the export from 135 to 134 which I created in Yast2 is not here! It is still showing in Yast2 but not in exports.
And on my HP workstation HP-Z640-1 (137) I have:-

alastair@HP-Z640-1:~> cat /etc/exports
alastair@HP-Z640-1:~> grep nfs /etc/fstab  /home/alastair/NFS_from_ibmserv_134_Mastermedia  nfs    defaults                      0  0             /home/alastair/NFS_from_ibmserv_134_alastair  nfs    defaults                      0  0

The exports are related to other devices, some no longer in use.

This is all the servers and clients on machine which are up on the relevant subnet as requested but I have now identified the problem;

A hang over from an earlier configuration when I was using NFSv3 which is the best my old NAS can cope with and;
Misconfigured firewall. Duh.
All good now and all machines working well on NSFv4.2