DHCP DNS and Routing

Hi guys, im new to this forum and i have a question,

I have set up DNS and DCHP server services the only thing left is routing services.

It is for a school project and i need some help, what is got so far is:

1 computer with 2 network cards (eth0 and eth1)
{eth0 DCHP (connected to the internet)}

Broadcasting with a DHCP range from to}

The DHCP server works the DNS server works, the only thing left is a routing service that computers with a DHCP lease from my server (Which are all connected to eth1) can browse the internet.

I know from Windows 2003/8 you had a RRAS(Routing Remote Acces) service. is there something similar in opensuse?

If you need any more detail ill be pleased to give them.

Good username choice :D. Welcome.

Since you’ve come so far, I think you won’t need more than this:

man route

Please forget how things work in Windows. The most used phrase in the linux world is " linux is not windows " :slight_smile:

You will likely also need to enable IP masquerading. There are several ways to do this, including:


Of course you don’t really need to use Yast, but it’s there in Suse to use.

These sites may help to understand a bit more what is needed, or going on behind the Yast scenes:

How to configure Linux as Internet Gateway for small office | Linux Poison

Setting Up a Linux Gateway | Linux Journal

Also, as an aside for fun - you might want to explore Avahi and the (local) DHCP and DNS services it can provided without needing to even set up specific / traditional servers to provide these services. Not the same as what you are going for of course, but pretty interesting.

Lews Therin

Does this apply for Opensuse 12.3?

Okay none of the links above worked for me!

Anyone could help me set this up on Opensuse 12.3?