After the last update of kde 4.4.0 on my suse 11.2.
1-Insert a usb pen or another removable device like usb camera
2-device manager show popup with correct identification of device
3-click on device
4-popup with 3 choices are shown
5-click on open with dolphin
6-a dolphin window is opened in /home/user/documenti
7-if you go to /media/device the content is there
I expect that dolphin open the window in /media/device not in
/home/user/documenti like in the past, maybe some wrong option??
There are 3 Open with File Manager :
first is for cameras = kioclient exec camera:/
second is for audiocd = kioclient exec audiocd:/
third is = kioclient exec %f
That should be OK, I have these parameters too.
Maybe it’s a known bug or isn’t reported yet, take a look to
I have no other idea then adding a new entry for Device Actions, and for command set: kioclient exec /media/.
So when you are inserting an USB there will be an option to show your /media folder.