Device Mapper


I try to install openSUSE 11.2 on my computer but a strange partition suggestion appeared for hard disk.
It is only one hard disk of 160GB inside a case. Hard disk is partitioned on four parts: first logical for datas, second primary for openSUSE, third primary with already installed Ubuntu and fourth swap partition.
Some /dev/mapper… partitions with some strange partition sizes are suggested. So I choose to edit the partition but the hard disk; /dev/sda; didn’t shown any partition. Under device mapper it is written something like /dev/mapper…part1 until part7.
What I done wrong? Why partitioner does not show partitions as /dev/sda1, /dev/sda2, /dev/sda3 and /dev/sda4?


openSUSE wants to create at least two partitions, not the one you have offered it - one for / and one for /home. Because you have already allocated all four partitions, it cannot create an extended partition; so I suspect it is falling back on using LVM as the way to get round the problem you have set it.

AFAIK the easiest solution is to unallocate the openSUSE partition and let it create an extended partition within that primary partition which it can then use to create the necessary logical partitions.