determining the Qt .pro file entry for libs

I don’t really understand how to determine the .pro file entry for libs.

I’ve downloaded yaml-cpp-devel


but the following doesn’t work:

LIBS += -L/usr/lib64/ -llibyaml-cpp

LIBS += -L/usr/lib64/ -lyaml-cpp

seems to work… >_<

If you look at using pkg-config (PKGCONFIG += yaml-cpp) it probably helps, in your case check /usr/lib64/pkgconfig/yaml-cpp.pc file, it is -lyaml-cpp, no lib :wink:

Have you installed the deveopment files for yaml?
And when installed (maybe already) I think you only have to

LIBS += -llibyaml
LIBS += -lyaml

To be shure, check that yaml (.h for header) in /usr/include (or subdirectory)

Thanks guys :-]