Detect wifi users

Is there software that detects or monitors who is using my wifi connection?Thanks in advance.

In your wifi router it should show a list of users connected in something like ‘Wireless Access Control’ or the likes…

Kali Linux

You can always use nmap as well… It will show everything on the network;

ip route (for ip range and netmask)
nmap -sn
nmap -sn `ip route | grep -m2 "src" |cut -f1 -d"d"`

I use sudo iotop -i wlan0 (put your wifi interface name here if wlan0 is not what you have)
It will show everyone using you wifi - you’ll be shocked at how many linux apps talk on the internet.

What is your WiFi access point?

  • The Linux systems?
  • A Router which is connected to an ISP?

For the case of the Linux systems, the previous answers have to be considered plus:

  • A rigorous inspection of the systemd journal;
  • Continuous monitoring of the WiFi interface with Wireshark – you’ll have to setup filters to inspect for attempts to access the wireless interface.

For the case of a Router connected to your ISP it’s a little bit easier:

  • Inspect the Router’s WiFi administration for the list of MACs which have accessed the wireless channel’s SSID – check that list against the MAC addresses of your devices.
  • Consider only allowing access for known MAC addresses – a bit of a pain when visitor arrives – you’ll have to specifically add that MAC address to the list of allowed addresses …