desktop volume control

During my inept bumbling around with audio packages trying to get skype to work, I probably inadvertently removed whatever package I need to change the volume via the volume buttons. I am able to change the volume within an application, like mpv for example, but I cannot change it in skype or for the desktop in general (with volume buttons). How do I fix this?


I should mention pavucontrol is installed and does work but the only way I can change the volume is by launching the volume control panel.

Ok, after further mucking around I’m even more confused. I checked the sound configuration in yast and my sound card was listed as not configured. After clicking edit and letting yast configure it for me, the sound everywhere else stopped working, including the sound test in yast. Since this problem was precipitated by the skype instructions, I removed all the following packages listed in those instructions:

pulseaudio alsa-plugins-pulse alsa-plugins-pulse-32bit pavucontrol libv4l libv4l-32bit libv4l1-0 libv4l1-0-32bit libv4l2-0 libv4l2-0-32bit libv4lconvert0 libv4lconvert0-32bit libpulse0-32bit

The result of which was that now I have volume control at the desktop, and the sound test works again in yast. So, can someone tell me what packages I need to install to get audio to work for multimedia, mpv, etc. but still retain volume control at the desktop? Also, under multimedia in system settings, under audio playback, it just says default and I’m unable to change anything.

Disregard this threat. Problem fixed.

I read this whole series over again three times trying to find out: What threat?

Then, it clicked. You meant disregard this thread, right?lol!

Yes, that was supposed to be thread, not threat. I have typing ineptitude to go along with my package management ineptitude. :slight_smile: