If I have a desktop item which is a link to a folder or file, the title for the desktop item is in Italic whereas the title for a non-link is not in Italic. How can I change the title of a desktop item to not be in Italic if it is a link ?
We need more info on your installation.
openSUSE version?
Is this a 32 or 64 bit install?
What Desktop are you using?
Thank You,
openSuse 12.2.
it’s in italics to indicate that it is a symbolic link.
You could delete the link and just create a shortcut (e.g. copy a shortcut icon instead of linking a shortcut icon).
edit: one thing to keep in mind if you do as I suggested - wen changing, deleting, updating programs the shortcut you created will not be updated / deleted as it would be if you kept the symlink in place.
OK, thanks !
So I guess I am not see this behavior, but perhaps I don’t actually understand. For any item in your desktop folder, using Folder View, or in normal Desktop, but with the Desktop Folder Widget loaded, you can right click on its icon and select open with, then select kwrite. Here is a URL I put on my desktop that would use my default Internet Browser and go to the openSUSE forums.
[Desktop Entry]
And it looks like this to me (says openSUSE in top Right):
And the text is not in italics. But perhaps I do not know where it is really at on your system,
Thank You,
my guess is the OP is dragging a shortcut icon to the desktop folder. When you do this you are given the option to copy or link. If you choose link it creates a symlink with text in italics (and a small shortcut arrow I think).
I made this example using writer
ImageShack - Best place for all of your image hosting and image sharing needs](ImageShack - symlink.jpeg)