Desktop screwed after trying to update compiz

Hi all,

I had compiz working great with SUSE 11.1 out of the box after minimal tweaking, with desktop cube and rotate working fine. Today I tried to update compiz,through repositories, in order to use the Atlantis Cube effect, and now (after restart), I can’t switch between desktop workspaces, even after checking desktop cube and rotate cube in compiz settings. I can move files to other desktops on the cube, but then can’t switch to that desktop… Also, my “cube” originally had 7 faces, now it has 4 (and I still can’t get to any other face, even with ctrl alt arrow). What did I do or undo while trying to update compiz?

Also, the tops of my windows now have no max/min/close buttons and I can’t click-and-drag or even move windows, even though I have Window Decoration on, and the default theme I had been using (I forget the name, but it was black with orange) is now missing from the optional themes…

I wish I had undo buttons in terminal!! At this point I don’t even care about the **** fish, I just want my system back to normal!!

Any ideas anybody?? How can I revert back to the stripped down, disc-provided gnome or compiz, while keeping all the data on my hard drive? My newbie-sense is telling me to backup and reinstall suse, but I know there must be an easier way!

A cube with 7 faces?

I use kde4 - so I’m not totally sure about Gnome. But…
To revert.
Switch your decoration to a default gnome first.
Remove the repo you added. Then roll back all the compiz packages. They will show up red text in Software Management.

See how it is after this. You may have to delete all you compiz config files too.
Certainly, there is no need to re-install!

It was definitely something with the repos I installed. Uninstall and reinstall in YaST did the job.

Thanks for your help.