Desktop like SLES12


I have just made a test version of SLES12. It comes with at nice desktop with “home” “Trash” icons and a Taskbar in the buttom with a “Applications” menu etc. Wery nice

I would like to build a Open SUSE appliance using suse studio with a desktop simular to that but I have no idea what to do.

I can build the appliance with the Gnome desktop but I cant find any way to get the Taskbar.

Can anyone point me in the right direction ?

In Advance Thank yoy :slight_smile:

The problem is that these are the openSUSE forums and that we have no idea what you see on SLES. Thus a more detailed story (maybe with picture) of what you want to achieve might help.

He means the default SLES12 desktop, GNOME that you get when you install it with the default settings.

Something like this:

Maybe it is what he means, but how can he assume that we openSUSE users understand what he means? There may be a few here that use SLES, but those are exceptions. And the others are not clairvoyant.

Of course we are clairvoyant, we know ALL THE THINGS.


Hm, can I please keep that a secret?


Thank’s for the answers, I can se I wasen’t wery exactly in my question, I appolgize for that :shame:

Miuku is right it is the nice desktop at he’s picture I am looking for.

Any suggestions ?

try this

sudo zypper in gnome-menus-branding-SLED

I haven’t tested it but I noticed the SLED branding while searching for something else, note this will remove the openSUSE branding for gnome

there’s a lot of SLED packages for openSUSE
if you have the time you can play around with them and see what’s what

On Thu 05 Feb 2015 01:06:01 PM CST, I A wrote:

try this
openSUSE Software


sudo zypper in gnome-menus-branding-SLED

I haven’t tested it but I noticed the SLED branding while searching for
something else, note this will remove the openSUSE branding for gnome

You also need to install gnome-shell-classic “GNOME SHELL classic –
collection of extensions”.

But there are a number of specific tweaks and overrides as well, all
may not be provided by the branding packages.

Cheers Malcolm °¿° LFCS, SUSE Knowledge Partner (Linux Counter #276890)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 GNOME 3.10.1 Kernel 3.12.36-38-default
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Thank you very much :slight_smile:

I will take a look at the brandings