Desktop icons mess after update

After a successful update from 11.0 to 11.1, I discovered a bit of a mess in the icons on my Gnome desktop.

I’ve sorted most of it by deleting most old .desktop files in my Desktop/ directory.
Yet, two icons are re-appearing: openSUSE and Online Help (I understand these are coming from /usr/share/dist/desktop-files ). I can leave them on my desktop, but what annoy me is that I can’t move them.

When those .desktop files are created in my home Desktop/ directory, shouldn’t I be granted the full right on them ?
That is, be able to place them where I want on desktop ?

amigaphil@Linux1:~> ls -l Desktop/
total 16
-rw-r--r-- 1 amigaphil users  664 déc.  3 10:10 GnomeOnlineHelp.desktop
-rw-r--r-- 1 amigaphil users 2880 juil. 27  2008 MozillaFirefox.desktop
-rw-r--r-- 1 amigaphil users  135 déc.  3 10:10 SuSE.desktop

BTW, what is the “10:10” (instead of year) for those 2 icons ?


It happened to me as well.
You can safely remove /usr/share/dist/desktop-files/*, or if you wish, you can move it to a different folder.

If you look to the file permissions of the files, they are owned by root, for this you cannot move or cancel from your regular user desktop.

If you need or like to see such icons on your /home/Desktop, try to configure them as user, by looking to the description of each with Nautilus, or even a text editor.

I think that’s what I’m going to do.