Desktop effects switch off if window opens maximized


I am sure there is an easy solution but cannot find it after much searching:

PROBLEM (nothing major just annoying):

If any window opens initially on full screen (maximized) the “desktop effects” switch off. I then have to reset “enable desktop effects”.

It happens with any window from any application that opens full screen.

If a window is maximized after it has already opened all is fine, it does not stop the desktop effects.

I am hoping someone has seen this behaviour before and can point me in the correct direction.

Running: openSUSE 14.4

Well, openSUSE 14.4 lies very far in the future when you take into account heat 11.4 is the highest supported level ATM and that 12.1 is in the one they are working on now.

As long as you even do not tell which desktop you use, it is a bit difficult for others to make comments on what you experience :wink:

EDIT: I now see this is your first post here. Be welcome. But as we are normal creatures like you we can not guess to much frome what you have/see/do over there. Thus shed off all nervousness and tell what openSUSE you have, what Desktop Environment (KDE, Gnome, other) and what you switched on/off on those desktop effects. This will make others able to get an idea of your setup.

Oops 11.4 and Gnome.