demuxer for wine plugin

When I tried to watch the bbc news by ‘launching in standalone player’ I got the message: ‘xine plugin: no demuxer plugin to handle stream’.
How shall I solve this problem?
Thanks in advance.

The bbc mostly uses Flash now. The weather is still Real player. Is that the player you are trying to use? I suspect it is.
In which case, check the settings in real player and that you have xine from Packman.

This assumes you otherwise have all mutli-media packages installed

I installed via yast from the depositories:
main(oss), main(non-oss), main(debug), and
the following programs
libxine-devel(1.1.15); libxine1(1.1.15); libxine1-aa,arts,debuginfo,directfb,dvb,dxr3,esd,gnome-vfs,jack,
Shall I need some other packages?

One click multimedia for kde=

for Gnome=

that’s the easiest

there is also mediaplayerconnectivity addon for firefox which is handy

I do not normally look at BBC, but don’t they push their own codec?
… anyway, I have installed for the BBC dirac codec. PackMan :: Informationen zum Paket libschroedinger

Thanks caf4926 and oldcpu.
After following your suggestions bbc is no longer posting the demuxer notice;

Thanks caf4926 and oldcpu.
After I followed your suggestions BBC is no longer posting demuxer problem.
But it is now posting a new error message:
‘xine-plugin: error opening video driver’.
What shall be my next step?

post a link of what you are trying to watch please

This is the link

BBC NEWS | South Asia

then clicking ONE-MINUTE WORLD NEWS at the top.

Firefox plays it in Flash by default for me
Seamonkey gives me your problem - though I use SM all the time for bbc flash

Can you get flash working in FFox?

Try this.
Uninstall mplayer-plugin

Make sure you have Real Player installed

Now try launch in stand alone
I get save to or open with (open with Real option is in mine)
you can also save and play later

Since I installed opensuse-10.3 from live cd, I installed flash-player via yast, the repositories were main(oss, non-oss, debug), and packman. I checked again via install-software, and yes it is among the installed softwares. National Geographic - Inspiring People to Care About the Planet video-playing needs flash-player.
I just now checked and yes I can play the nationageographic videos.
I always use firefox.
Incidentally, I have IE6 from
with RealPlayer-10.5 plugin and I can watch the bbc-1minute-world-news, though not via standalone player.

I think I shall add that when I had Novell-SLED-10 OS I had no difficulty in launching standalone player.

But I don’t have mplayer-plugin, though MPlayer(1.Orc2) is installed.

I have got a sort of solution.
I have installed RealPlayer11GOLD.bin in /usr/lib/firefox/
I can now watch BBC news in RealPlayer though not in xine.
This also allows me to watch live

Is there a .bin file for flash-player and where can I get it from?