Deluge problem

I installed Deluge from: Deluge - free opensource Torrent Client for openSUSE | SUSE & openSUSE by the one click install thing on that page but the installation failed.

Then i found Deluge on Webpin and that installation worked fine as a dreamlol!

But the problem is that it is no plugins in the one from Webpin when i go Deluge >>> Categories >>> Plugins it is blank? And i go to the Deluge homepage and over there it says that the Plugins is inside Deluge. But i cant find them inside Deluge, where do i find the plugins for It?

That page says it does not support openSUSE 11.1. What version do you have installed. If it is 11.1 then check out this one click for the package.

That page says it does not support openSUSE 11.1. What version do you have installed?

If it is 11.1 then check out this one click for the package.

I don’t recommend that package. Deluge seems to be bit buggy and unstable now…Torrents sometimes dissapears from client and so on… I use Transmission 1.42 from Packman. Easy, simple and stable client.

I have 11.1 x64. Well i installed Deluge from: Webpin and that version worked fine. It is just that the plugins isnt there.

As for Transmisson client, does it have IP Filter? I could not find one in that.