Deluge doesn't download in NTFS partition

Freshly installed Thumbleweed + deluge, torrent client doesn’t even start downloading into NTFS partition. Works good when downloading in my home folder. When download location set to NTFS partition, it starts with like 15k/sec, marks 0.01% and gets back to 0.00 without any errors shown and stays like that. My internet connection is ok. Since other download locations are ok i think its OS related. Any solutions?

I assume that you mean with “download location set to NTFS partition”, a destination file in an NTFS file system (not the partition that contains that file system itself).
I assume also that y ou mean with “downloading in my home folder”. a destination file in a Linux file system (like ext4, xfs, btrfs, in any case not a non Linux file system like VAT, NTFS, etc.).

The conclusion I come to is that it depends on the file system type. And as non-Linux file systems do not support Unix/Linux ownership/permissions, it might be interesting to know if the same userid that tries to download on the NTFS file system can create any file on the file system. E.g. try a touch or a cp.

Your assumptions are all correct :slight_smile: . I can create, copy and move files. I can also download via HTTP (browser downloads). It is an issue only with torrent download.
btrfs+xfs on main drive and NTFS only in my “storage” hdd

When creating new files ther is working, it seems to be restricted to Deluge. I do not use Deluge (when I use a torrent, I use Ktorrent), thus I am afraid you have to wait for others with Deluge experience.

BTW, IMHO it is best to use non-Linux file systems only when needed to exchange data with non-Linux systems.

NTFS is not a Linux file system so may not always act like one. It is undoubtedly a permission problem since NTFS does not support Linux permissions they are synthesized

Re-visiting this issue how best to apply permissions on NTFS for use in Linux,

I came across this article which discusses many options I had not seen before

And, in particular it appears that there is a relevant section in the ntfs-3g MAN pages
Online re-published here