I’ve been duel booting windows and opensuse but want to get ride of the windows partion. Is this as easy as deleting the windows partition and extending the opensuse side or is it more complex. A fresh install is not out of the question but I would like to avoid it if possible.
If you delete the partition, other partitions after it will be renamed, and your system won’t find them. If your bootloader is on the partition, it’ll be gone.
That’s all fixable with a Live CD.
Probably the least hassle way to do it would be to reformat the partition in question in a linux format without deleting it, then mount it somewhere as storage… (and fix the bootloader if needed)
Otherwise, you’re probably looking at merging it with the beginning of the next partition - which is probably root. Depends really on whether you want the next partition bigger or not. If you want to merge it with somewhere else, I don’t believe it’s possible, though that is subject to correction by the knowledgeable ones…
- this all assumes, of course, that Windows is first on the drive - which it normally is. Give us the output of ‘fdisk -l’ from a root terminal and we can give you a better idea…]