Defendmyname, Plesk+Windows+PHP = Error - help please

There is a domain which is using Wordpress blog script.
You can view pages, or sub menus but when you click the topics it is giving following error:

CGI Error
The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers.

If I will refresh then it says
SERVICE UNAVAILABLE and all php scripts are not working.
I have to restart the server to start also it made the same problem in SMF forums.

Does anyone knows how to solve this problem?
I have plesk 7.6.1 and Windows 2003 Server. Thanks a lot from now on.

P.S. Ofcourse it is not the only problem about php. It started to give this error since I had plesk 7.6.1!!! I have no idea what to do! Lots of php Scripts are not working. Aaveradark Topsites script, Wordpress, Joomla and etc… gives the same errors!
I heard that, latest plesk is causing such problems and they say change the code! What??? Change the code? Yeah right! Change whole joomla! Change whole Wordpress and other php scripts why? Because Plesk is not letting them to run! Well I have no idea what to say! If users will have enough knowledge then they would write their own scripts, they won’t use other scripts!
They say as a solution update it to PHP5 but it may make it even worse… (Whole PHP will be gone!It won’t work anymore and you may need re-install!) I can’t take that risk!
Does anyone knows? SWSOFT is not answering, they say you bought it from our reseller then ask them. FDC has no support for such things but They have to find a solution or on windows servers PHP won’t work anymore.
FDC can you please ask to SW Soft at least or someone can help maybe?

Thanks a lot,

As you are having a problem witha program running on a Windows 2003 system and this is a openSUSE forum, can you please specify where we can help you?