Deepin Desktop Environment user guide for opensuse

I created a user guide page on wiki, please get more informations at this link.

Thank you for creating that guide.

I expect to stay with KDE. But I have experimented with Deepin (the distro), and it is an interesting desktop.

If you would like to promote greater visibility for deepin,
I’d encourage you to…

Create an obs project and within it create a pattern that describes the package list you describe
If you don’t do this, Cinnamon is an example which people can overlook because it’s not automatically offered as a pattern, but at least it has an rpm “master package” that installs all its component packages.

Although your instructions to add your deepin repos and gpg-checks similar to what you’d have to do in other repos…
We in openSUSE have a much easier method to just point to a repo and refresh, auto-accepting the gpg keys.
I describe this, and even offer a script to auto-detect the openSUSE release so as to auto-configure your repository installation string correctly… With less than half the text and vastly simpler
To automatically configure the repository installation string, there is a new “zypper --releasever” that may be implemented someday soon(?) but the powers that be will have to authorize and implement significant changes to how our current repositories are defined before it will work without special modifications. I think Fedora is already implementing, so we may see this sooner than later.