dedicated ventrilo server on ancient(slow) computer

Hi everyone,

I have an old computer w/256mb ram that I would like to use as a vent server. KDE is lagging it down, and I’d prefer just a command prompt login and I’ve been away from *nix since Red Hat Halloween’ish so I don’t remember much.

Essentially I’d like:

  1. run ventrilo (it’s installed and ini is config’d)

  2. be able to ‘startx’ (if that’s still the command) to bring up a desktop when I need a browser to d/l updates and then be able to kill the GUI (I don’t remember how to kill X86) Also be able to secure shell in from a win machine on the same intranet to config.

  3. Have only the processes needed to use vent,remote(intranet)config, browser (when needed via KDE) and any OpenSuse security updating features.

  4. The ‘most’ secure way to run ./ventrilo so if it is compromised the rest of the network is ‘safe’ i.e. should it be set up as a daemon with limited permissions, and how would I do this. I vaguely remember chmod and a -d for daemon? . . .

Maximum verbosity would be appreciated because I’ve been away from Linux box for a long time. There’s just a ton of stuff running now and I don’t know what is necessary and isn’t. OpenSuse has been the most efficient yet, but Egad! The chrome is blinding. ;o)

Thanks in advance,


Ok don’t know ventrilo…

You can go to GUI with startx or as root init 5
You can run zypper (command line) or yast from the command line (as root) for updates/installs
You can switch to a terminal with ALT-CTRL-F1 2,3…etc
terminal 7 is reserved for the GUI so ALT-CTRL-F7 takes you back to the active GUI
You can shut Xwindows (GUI) down with int 3 (as root)

That should help

Thank you this helped a lot! I completely forgot about the virtual terminals via the F-keys.
