I guess nobody noticed that it clocked over to December, me included :).
My desktop is still the same as the previous 2 months so I won’t bother wasting your time by re-posting it!
I am shocked that I have now had the same desktop for 2 months, quite an achievement for me. That usually means that I’m about to go nuts and nuke the whole thing and start from scratch :sarcastic:.
Last screenshot thread for the year, so do your worst ;).
I just bought a nice big external screen and wanted to show off my new BIG desktop :D. I know it’s not really that big compared to what some people have (aexia comes to mind!) , but for me it’s fantastic.
I notice you also use a second panel as an application launcher. I do the same (although I have the main panel at the top) but I can’t find a way to stop the icons from rearranging themselves. Do you have the same problem? Locking the widgets doesn’t seem to help (unless it happens whenever I temporarily unlock them). I’d like to keep the icons in meaningful groups!
Yes, this is a problem. I just yesterday tried using spacers to make 3 sections but it didn’t work.
Thing is though. On my Box I do the same and when I set it up there I had to get some icons up ASAP for the Wife. Those 4 icons never move. So now I’m thinking, start a panel and put each icon in place in order left to right. I’ll report back when I’ve had time.