Hello all.
Lately i am trying to find a way to make dashboard using existing projects or framework to draw in real time memory usage, power consumption, cpu usage, etc using flash or .NET. Because of the time i just want to implement an existing one instead creating something new. After a lot of search i found nothing free and now i am desperate because the time that I have is low and now is practically gone.
Any ideas?
Dunno about programming it from scratch … but you may want to take a look at writing it using KDE4’s Plasma, it makes all kinds of data available through DataEngines and designing the GUI is easy too. Dunno if .NET bindings are available, doing it using Flash would be difficult I think. Certainly Python, JavaScript(?), C++, and I think Ruby are possible to use with Plasma.
as far as I know currently only C++ can be used with plasma. Later other bindings will follow. Of course you can use plasma or you can use superkaramba (python should here be available). There is a superkaramba plasmoid which should allow to run superkaramba applets.
hope this helps