cut & paste, operating guest interferes with


I have 15.2 installed on a recent HP 17.3" laptop. I-9 processor.

I have several guest machines managed through virt-manager.

One of those guests is also running 15.2.

When the 15.2 guest is operating, cut & paste operations on the host do not always function as expected, if at all:

  • ^C|^X]/^V may or may not work.
  • Right Click-[cut|copy]/Right-Click-paste may or may not work
  • ^C|^X|Right Click-[cut|copy]]/Middle Button Click may or may not work

This misbehavior is seen in:

  • file [cut|copy]/paste operations and
  • libreoffice calc [cut|copy]/paste from cell to cell.

When that guest is not operating, there is no such misbehavior.

For file operations, with the 15.2 guest operating, drag & drop continues to work well.

If a Windows-10 guest is operating, no such misbehavior is noted.

All OS up to date.

For me, this is more of a nuisance, rather than a critical problem. I can shut the guest down.

For others, if my observations are accurate, it may be more serious.

Additional (or more detailed) information will be supplied if requested. I didn’t want to burden the post with unnecessary info.

I don’t know whether it will help. But you could try to uninstall “spice-vdagent” in the VM. And you will have to then taboo it (lock it) to prevent future reinstall.

As far as I know, spice-vdagent attempts to synchronize the cut/paste buffer between the host and the VM.

Thanks for the tip.

I will give it a shot and report what I see.


Since I made the change suggested above, I have experienced no issues with cutting and pasting operations confined to the host or confined to the guest.

I understand that the package which I disabled was intended to help guest<->host copy paste. I can live with out that for the time being.


Thanks for reporting back. And I’m glad that helped.

I do still use spice-vdagent, and I haven’t noticed problems. But it occurs to me that when running KDE in a KDM guest, I always disable the clipboard option to save clipboard contents on exit. It’s possible that is all that you really needed. Otherwise, when you login to KDE in the guest, it restores clipboard contents and shares that with the host.

I should add that the reason I disable saving clipboard, is that I don’t want it to ever save a password that I might happen to have selected.

Cleaning up old Forum threads while I’ve been gone,

Should be noted that the @OP never only described running libvirt and some GuestOS, but never mentioned what virtualization (eg KVM or Xen or something else).
Also was not clear whether the Guest properties were ever inspected for their settings which might be required to use the clipboard between Guest and Host, and supported behaviors.