Customizing OpenSuse installation

Hi everybody, I’m writing this post because I’m currently working on the customization of the OpenSuse installation. Specifically I’m playing with the workflows and with autoYasT. I read the documentation of AutoYasT and googled a lot to try to modify the workflow of the opensuse installation but I can’t get the results I want. I used as a model the control.xml file that comes with the opensuse 11.4 DVD and introduced some modifications but I still don’t understand well how the workflows work.
What I need is to change the items that appears in the Preparation section of the installation process, the items I would like to have are:

Network configuration
Root user password
Keyboard config
Firewall settings
Time zone

     Most of those items are already present in the default workflow but the ones marked in red are not present and I would like to have them. The other thing I need to do is to remove the desktop selection. Finally I would like to know if there is a way to set those items I mentioned before and don't ask any questions to the user about them but not using AutoYast, what I mean is: the user only accepts the license and I have the partitioning set, the network configuration set, the root user password set, the firewall set and the time zone set so the resulting workflow only shows the Welcome message, the Installation overview and Perform installation. Can all those parameters be set inside the control.xml and not ask questions about them to the user? If that scenario is possible, how can I do it? :)
     I'm currently working on a company which business consist in creating software appliances based on certain linux distributions and I'm trying to integrate OpenSuse to our catalog but I need to know how to customize the installation process and how to create a custom ISO image with a list of pre-selected packages but I will post another cuestion for that subject later. For the moment what I need is to customize the installation workflow. Can anyone help me please?


On 08/08/2011 07:16 PM, DiegoteLalo wrote:
> Can anyone help me please?

i think the answer to all your needs are here:

openSUSE®, the “German Engineered Automobiles” of operating systems!

Hi Denver, thank you for your quick answer but what I need is information about the XML tags I need to modify to customize the workflow of the installation in the control.xml file to do the customization “by hand”
