customizing login screen (11.3 kdm)

I have just installed a new machine with 11.3. I’d like to customize the login screen (bkg image, host name etc.). Where should I look ?

I found that a KDM manual can be obtained in konqueror (not my usual browser) only at help:kdm, that explains nicely the syntax of the kdmrc file, but where is located the one actually used by suse ?

I tried also other resources on but I’m getting told the site is being revamped and the documents are no longer in the expected place. Is there any suse-kdm manual I could install locally ? (on 9.2 it was in SUSE Help Centre under Application Manuals )

Also I cannot find a “Login manager” under yast2 (as it was in older versions). I do not mind editing an ascii kdmrc file (actually I do like the idea) provided I know where it is and whether the doc quoted above is applicable

You could use find or Find Files and Folders in the menu.

Using said tools I find it at /usr/share/kde4/config/kdm/

If you are running KDE 4.4.4 you can customize some of the KDM settings in KDE Control Center -> Advanced -> Login Manager (under System)

I know I can use find to locate a file with given name, but, without documentation, do I have any guarantee this is the file actually used ?

Concerning the other reply about using the Login Manager, I was looking for it in Yast.
There is no such thing in Suse 11.3 obviously labelled “KDE control center” (as it was in previous versions), but I found that “configure desktop -> advanced” leads to a Login Manager.

But it seems not working completely. First of all I verified it is actually updating the files kdmrc and backgroundrc in the indicated /usr/share/… location.

But most of the changes I tried have no effect. The only one which worked was the one to disable the user list shown on the side of the user/password form.

I tried disabling shutdown by everybody (tried root and nobody). Although kdmrc is updated, it is not honoured (nor after a logout neither after a reboot).

I also tried disabling the theme, and setting background to a solid colour. backgroundrc is updated, but not honoured.

Is there something I should do in sysconfig to force reading kdmrc and backgroundrc ?

I always get the green bubble background with the suse logo (and with shutdown active without password)

Yes, it is possible to change the KDM login screen to whatever you want it to be…you can have a look at all of the at

Here is the link to the instructions:

etech97 :slight_smile:

Thanks … the latest suggestion was useful. Here is my procedure for reference to those interested.

in yast -> system -> /etc/sysconfig editor
under desktop -> display manager
set DISPLAYMANAGER_SHUTDOWN from auto to root (2)
set KDM_USERS to null (3)

in configure desktop -> advanced -> system -> login manager
in general disable use themed greeter (1)
in shutdown set only root (2)
in users disable show list (3)

then in dialog and background one can do whatever one wants, and the changes are saved in /usr/share/kde4/config/kdm/kdrmc and backgroundrc.

(1) coordinated actions are needed to activate honouring of the rc files
(2) apparently both are needed to get prompting-for-root-password in shutdown honoured
(3) apparently both are needed to disable the list of faces and users