I am currently running LEAP 42.1 with current updates.
I was on the download page and looked for doc/info. Does one install 42.2 from scratch or is there an upgrade/update method?
I’m not sure of opensuse’s procedures these days.
How long will LEAP 42.1 be supported?
Now with tumbleweed that is an irrelevant question, because it is a rolling release, correct?
I was going to install inxi. I know it is on git and it is just a shell script, but I was trying to be consistent and install from a repo. I searched for inxi. There was a strange error at the top of the web page: "404 is not a supported release. " I don’t think it was related to inxi, but rather the web site itself. Firefox is barebones, no addons.
inxi only seems to be available via “Show Unstable Packages”. One of those repo’s was named “utilities”. There were 3 “home:”. Is “utilities” an official opensuse repo?
Is there a list of repo’s?
If I were to encourage someone to use opensuse LEAP, I would tell them about this forum and point them to documentation (besides man, google searches).
Where do you go for opensuse specific documentation(s) … like how to configure/install cups, apache, samba, grub, etc?
The following distributions are expected to receive updates until the specified date:
Leap 42.1 - will be maintained until 6 months after 42.2 (May 16th 2017)
Leap 42.2 - will be maintained until 6 months after 42.3 (EXPECTED Second Quarter of 2018)
Now with tumbleweed that is an irrelevant question, because it is a rolling release, correct?
I was going to install inxi. I know it is on git and it is just a shell script, but I was trying to be consistent and install from a repo. I searched for inxi. There was a strange error at the top of the web page: "404 is not a supported release. " I don’t think it was related to inxi, but rather the web site itself. Firefox is barebones, no addons.
inxi only seems to be available via “Show Unstable Packages”. One of those repo’s was named “utilities”. There were 3 “home:”. Is “utilities” an official opensuse repo?
Is there a list of repo’s?
If I were to encourage someone to use opensuse LEAP, I would tell them about this forum and point them to documentation (besides man, google searches).
Where do you go for opensuse specific documentation(s) … like how to configure/install cups, apache, samba, grub, etc?
I changed the 42.1 to 42.2 through Yast rather than sed, which just seemed to change the files in /etc/zypp/repos.d and then followed the zypper commands.
Does each file in /etc/zypp/repos/d represent a repo that is displayed in yast or with zypper lr — so the number should match?
But next time I think I’ll just download the ISO and boot from DVD and follow these instructions
YES, each file in /etc/zypp/repos/d represent a repo that is displayed in yast or with zypper lr
NO, in general numbers don’t match since apparently “zypper lr” orders repos alphabetically by “Alias” whereas Yast2-Software orders by “Name”.