I’m new to the forums, so my apologies if I posted this in the wrong subforum.
I use Vagrant in combination with VirtualBox extensively for setting up development environments. When I wanted to use Vagrant with VirtualBox as provider, Vagrant complained that it could not find a compatible version: the version of Vagrant in the Tumbleweed repos is only compatible with VirtualBox versions up to 5.0 (and not 5.1, which is the version in the Tumbleweed repos).
On the Vagrant website, there’s an RPM package available, but it’s only made for CentOS/RHEL, so I don’t want to risk hosing my system. In the Virtualization repo, Vagrant 1.8.5 is available, but there doesn’t seem to be an official way to add the repo to Tumbleweed.
What should I do in this situation?