i am currently experimenting a bit with the yahoo finance api, basically a command like this:
curl -s 'http://download.finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?s=GOOG+YHOO&f=nsl1c1p2'
gives the following output:
"Google Inc.","GOOG",566.07,-5.53,"-0.97%"
"Yahoo! Inc.","YHOO",35.62,-0.19,"-0.53%"
that is: the name, the stock symbol, the price, the chance and the change in percent of the stock.
My plan was to get access to an arbitrary element of this multiline output (you can add a lot more symbols and get a new line of output for each).
With a small bash script i wanted to pipe the output to awk and then just print out each value seperately.
My first attempt was this:
curl -s 'http://download.finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?s='${symbols}'&f=nsl1c1p2' | awk -F',]' '{
gsub(/"/, "",$0);
print $0;
printf "%s %s %s (%s)abc
", $1, $3, $4, $5;
i simply piped the output of curl to awk, changed the delimiter to ‘,’, removed the “”" with gsub and then just printed each element seperately. The output was this:
Google Inc.,GOOG,566.07,-5.53,-0.97%
)abcle Inc. 566.07 -5.53 (-0.97%
Yahoo! Inc.,YHOO,35.62,-0.19,-0.53%
)abco! Inc. 35.62 -0.19 (-0.53%
To make the problem more obvious i added “abc” to the end of the printf command:
the symbols that should be at the end of the line get written to the beginning. I do not know why, but i tried it with a totally different approach:
curl -s 'http://download.finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?s='${symbols}'&f=nsl1c1p2' | awk '{
gsub(/"/, "",$0);
print $0;
print a[1], a[3], a[4], "("a[5]")abc"
this way i do not need the -F argument and i do switched from printf to print, but i used split to split the string, using the ‘,’ as delimiter.
But the output is exactly the same!
Whats the problem here?