This problem literally just started about half an hour ago out of the blue. I have a Brother mfc-j430w printer, fax,scanner, copier and all was working just fine then it stopped printing and when i check the jobs it says the status is “stopped” and it has this as well
"usr/lib/cups/pdftops failed"
I have no clue what that means I tried re installing all of the drivers with no luck. Could someone give me some suggestions on what to do? And yes i am using Tumbleweed
I edited printer.conf manually and put in the uri for the printer and it saves the setting there but in localhost631 it shows the uri is set to usb…does that give any clue? Someone? Please?
Can you post the contents of /etc/cups/printers.conf for us to inspect? When you say that you entered the printer URI manually, I’m not sure what you entered, or how you know if it is correct.
I have a number of printers (work and home) defined, but for reference, here’s how my usb-connected Brother printer appears:
cat /etc/cups/printers.conf
# Printer configuration file for CUPS v1.5.3
# Written by cupsd on 2012-12-21 10:59
<Printer Brother_DCP-7055>
UUID urn:uuid:d4069269-0a10-316d-6351-7328b3bddb97
Info Brother DCP-7055
MakeModel Brother DCP7055 for CUPS
DeviceURI usb://Brother/DCP-7055
State Idle
StateTime 1355525245
Type 8392708
Accepting Yes
Shared No
JobSheets none none
QuotaPeriod 0
PageLimit 0
KLimit 0
OpPolicy default
ErrorPolicy stop-printer
I assume you still have a valid PPD for your printer located in the /etc/cups/ppd/ directory?
Yes there was a cups update. I am using an mfc brother printer also but a different model.
It is still working. Please elaborate more the kind of setup you have with your printer.
+1 I think I recall the update either yesterday or the day before. The Tumbleweed tree has been dicey for me for the last week with different problems popping up such as with the locale and pango related madness, not to mention the problem with firefox and libpng I think it was (which seems fixed now for me). I noticed a glibc downgrade today which might be an effort to fix some of the bugs?
With latest cups update my Brother MFC-5890CN
is still working including the scanner.
This is connected to my router wired/wireless
and using the driver downloaded from the brother site.
Hi. Thanks for the replies. Okay my setup is a Brother MFC-J430W on 12.2 Tumbleweed. And i just reinstalled everything again completely and still no luck. And i am usingthe drivers from the brother site. And Cups 1.5.3-2.4.1
This is what it says in the jobs tab of the cups web interface when i try to print…
processing since
Thu 20 Dec 2012 09:06:44 PM EST
*"/usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftops failed"*
Same thing for the printer status in the printers tab. I don’t know if it’s helpful or not. And it does not appear that way until i do try to print. Before that it’s all normal.
That doesn’t make sense to me, unless you have it defined in /etc/cps/printers.conf for some reason.
Anyway, I can confirm that I’m experiencing the same browser printing failure, and I’m NOT using Tumbleweed, but openSUSE 12.2 instead. (I’m not sure if it is CUPS or a poppler/libpoppler issue at this stage). In any case, this needs to be reported:
I tried it and you’re right, no success in firefox with printer error " no page found".
I still can print from other applications. I downgraded the cups and it is now
printing in firefox.