I have shared a network-printer trough Google Cloud Print fram an Windows 10 computer.
I have downloaded the cloudeprint-cups and run it to install Google shared printers on OpenSUSE.
I get error adding printer and if i open Printers in OpenSUSE, it crash.
I needed to reboot OpensSUSE to get Cups to work again. Then if i try to open Printers, a login-box appeare asking to login as root. But it doens’t respont to anything. When i close the main window Printers, then this login-box get active and i can enter password. I enter password for root and then cups crash again.
This haven’t happend earlier. I have been printing trough Google form the same OpenSUSE but now i have replaced the old printer with a new one.
I maybe was i little unclear. The software /usr/share/cloudprint-cups/setupcloudprint.py was installed from before. It has been working earlier with no problems. I just removed one old printer and re-run the script to install a new printer.
Now i installed the last cupscloudprint with 1-click
I have deletet printers and run upgrade.py
listcloudprinters.py show no printers.
Then i add the new printer in Google and run ./setupcloudprint.py
The new printer shows up and i still get error:
linux-bel7:/usr/share/cloudprint-cups # ./setupcloudprint.py
You currently have these accounts configured:
Add more accounts (Y/N)? n
Add all Google Cloud Print printers from ***************@gmail.com to CUPS (Y/N)? y
Use a prefix for names of created printers (Y/N)? iPrint-
Error adding: EL3D-Fargekopi (1280, u’server-error-internal-error’)
Error adding: IT-avdelingen (1280, u’server-error-internal-error’)
Added 2 new printers to CUPS
linux-bel7:/usr/share/cloudprint-cups #