My company recently went to Office 2007, which means I can’t open docx or xlsx files from my boss and he can’t see my Open Office files. I know there is a plugin he can download and install so he can open my files, but that’s another story.
I downloaded the trial (planning on purchasing) and installed CrossOver. It went in no problem. I downloaded and installed IE7 with no problem. I am going to install 2007 tonight.
My problem is this … I have to use the proprietary Cisco VPN my company provides to connect to the intranet. When the VPN is stopped, IE and Firefox work great … when on, Firefox works but IE can’t connect.
I tried setting the network settings to auto connect in Tools > Internet Options, but they won’t keep. Home page keeps, but not the Auto Detect Settings for the LAN …
Anyone have a clue as to this?
Thanks in advance.
I’m not sure I even understand your problem. I never use M$ office and neither do I come across it’s weird file formats. I have windows 7 installs that I never use, I’m afraid booting to them makes me feel very home sick.
If you install winxp inside a Virtual Box VM. You could run a XP session in openSUSE.
First, thanks for that private email. All is well except IE7 connection during VPN.
Ok, my compnay uses the proprietary Cisco VPN, not the VPNC, for us to connect internally. Not, without starting the vpnclient, I can use both IE and Firefox to connect and browse. When I start the vpnclient, iE7 just sits and spins, whereas Firefox works great.
I have Firefox set to Auto Detect the network settings, but when I try to set that in IE7, it won’t save my changes. I will close out and come back in and they will be back to what they were orignally.
I will say this, that happens whether the vpnclient is started or not.
I can save my Homepage in IE, close and reopen and it’s changed … but not network connections.
Let me know if this helps clarify please.
Thanks Jim
Trouble is I know nothing about IE7 and I’m wondering why you use it at all. Whenever I have been cornered in to using it I start looking for razor blades.